Albania - Building Capacity for Public Investment Management

The Partnership, through work supported by the World Bank , has been working with Albania to help climatize its Public Investment Management (PIM) system. More specifically, the Bank deployed an Economic Advisor, as part of the Partnership’s Economic Advisor Initiative, to prepare a Climate Risk Assessment Methodology to strengthen Albanian authorities’ efforts to incorporate climate issues in all elements of the public investment cycle. This includes project identification, appraisal and prioritization, and project evaluation.
To support capacity building, a workshop was held in Tirana from June 22 to 25, 2022 on “Basic principles of effective Public Investment Management.” The workshop was conducted with the staff of the two key central institutions responsible for the review and approval of public investment in Albania: the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination at the Prime Minister’s Office. The participants were trained in Climate-Informed Public Investment Management, which will help officials be more responsive to incorporating climate change impacts during public project development, implementation, and approval.
This project contributed to a World Bank-sponsored Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) review, which took place between October 2021 and June 2022, with the aim of finding opportunities where Albania can make their Public Finance Management more climate responsive.