Benin – Aligning Climate Goals with Society

The government of Benin received support from an economic advisor provided by Germany through the NDC Partnership. The advisor was embedded in the Ministry of Economy and Finance and supported Benin’s efforts to ensure that post-COVID 19 recovery plans were aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The economic advisor also contributed to improved integration of climate issues into government budgets, specifically the national budget and majority of Benin’s communes. The national budget law that was passed for 2022 includes provisions for Benin to implement greenhouse gas mitigation activities, for example the exemption of value-added tax on electric and hybrid vehicles.
The advisory work also involved promoting the integration of climate and environmental concerns into national development and poverty-reduction strategies and policies. Capacity-building exercises included organizing a dozen training sessions, including a workshop for the National Commission on Climate Change. Finally, the advisory initiative supported the updating of Benin’s nationally determined contribution (NDC).
Current ongoing support from the Partnership in Benin involves advising the Ministry of the Living Environment and Sustainable Development. This includes capacity-building initiatives but also day-to-day advising on mainstreaming climate issues across all parts of Benin’s society. Furthermore, the Partnership helped develop a guide for a coherent low carbon approach for the urban planning sector. The NDC Partnership in-country facilitator is playing a key role in bringing this support to fruition.