Grenada - Developing Sector-specific Investment Plans

In late 2020, Grenada submitted its second Nationally Determined Contribution, which commits to reducing national greenhouse gas emission by 40 percent on or before 2030 from 2010 levels. After submitting the enhanced NDC, Grenada began work on developing sector investment plans with support from the NDC Partnership. This entailed an update to its Partnership Plan, which now comprises six outcomes. The first four focus on mitigation, viz: energy; transport; waste management; and forestry and the sector investment plans address mitigation components for each sector.
Of the remaining two outcomes, one deals with adaptation, while the other is a crosscutting initiative. For the mitigation component, sector investment plans were developed. These sector investment plans cover four keys: energy; transport; waste management; and forestry. In response to the government´s request for a more detailed and actionable work plan, these plans include costing and prioritization of actions and were created by local consultants to draw in the national context.
The overall cost for Grenada’s mitigation measures is estimated to be between USD 985 million and USD 1 billion through 2030. A resource mobilization strategy is currently being developed to facilitate funding in these key areas. Moreover, a resource mobilization strategy and a communication strategy are contemplated for the NDC Implementation plan, and the sector investment plans. The former is designed to bring funding to the four key sectors and the latter will more clearly detail the actions to the various relevant audiences, thus increasing stakeholder participation. Grenada is a focal country for the Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator, and as part of this process, Grenada has been able to share some of its key adaptation priorities with financiers from sectors ranging from coastal management and infrastructure to water and food security.